海丰县盛德五金配件加工厂 盛德塑料制品厂位于广东省汕尾市海丰县,是一家专业塑料制品生产加工的企业,公司主要生产以沙发脚为主一系列塑料家具配件。 经过多年的坚持与努力,我们在不断发展的同时,始终坚持技术上的创新与突破,对质量的严格把关,获得广大家具厂商欢迎和信赖。 “以顾客为中心,以质量求信誉,以管理求效益”是我们始终坚持的经营宗旨。我们坚信能为顾客提供更多、更好、更优的产品。 盛德愿与您携手合作,实现双赢。 ShengDe Plastic Products Factory is locating in Haifeng district Shanwei city Guangdong province ,ShengDe is a professional plant which is specialized in producing and processing Plastic Products。Our main product range covers sofa foot a series of plastic furniture accessories。 After years of efforts and persistence,we are constantly development at the same time, Insist on technology innovation and breakthrough,strict with quality of products, by the furniture manufacturer’s welcome and trust. Customer orientation , establishing prestige through quality' besomes the operational objective that we always insist on. We firmly believe that can provide customers with more, better and more excellent products. We anticipated hand in hand cooperates with you, achieve a win-win situation
- 所在地区:广东省汕尾市海丰县
- 行业分类:家具制造业
- 地址:北京市 东城区 中国 广东 海丰县 科技工业园盛德五金塑胶加工厂
- 邮编:516400
所在地:广东省汕尾市经营范围:沙发 包床头 背景墙装饰 茶几、饭桌等家具